Monday, November 1, 2021


In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.

Praise be to Allah, who has graciously endowed us with faith. Blessing and peace be upon the master of the realms of being, and upon his family and his Companions, at every moment and at all times.

It is related of the Shaikh of the Community, the Imam of the Imams, the chieftain of the nobles, the Cardinal Pole of the Cardinal Poles [Qutb al-Aqtab], the Supreme Helper [al-Ghawth al-Azam] and the most generous protector, my master, Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, that he said to one of his brethren in Allah (Exalted is He):  

Accept these invocations of blessing [salawat] from me, for I received them by way of inspiration [ilham] from Allah (Exalted is He), then I presented them to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).  I intended to ask him about their special merit, but he answered me before I asked him, and he said to me:

They have a special merit that is something too tremendous to be calculated. They raise those who adopt them to the highest degrees, and cause them to reach the farthest goals.  If someone seeks to achieve some purpose by them, he will not be turned away disappointed.  His idea will not be frustrated, and his supplication will not be rejected.  If someone recites them, even one time only, or carries them with him, Allah will grant forgiveness to him and to those who are with him in his company. 

When his final moment is at hand, four of the angels of mercy will be present beside him.  The first will keep Satan away from him.  The second will inspire him to utter the profession of faith [kalimat ash-shahada].  The third will quench his thirst with a cup from the River of Abundance [al-Kawthar].  The fourth will hold in his hand a vessel of gold, filled with the fruits of the Garden of Paradise, giving him the glad tidings of a dwelling in the Garden, and saying to him:  Be of good cheer, O servant of Allah!  So he will look at Him and see Him with his eye, before his spirit departs.

He will enter his grave with a feeling of security, happy and cheerful, and he will experience no loneliness and no confinement therein.  Forty doorways of mercy will be opened for him, and the like thereof of light.  When he is raised up on the Day of Resurrection, an angel will bring him good news from his right, and an angel will reassure him from his left.  He will be dressed in two 

fine garments, and a well-bred steed will be guided to him for him to ride.  He will suffer no distress and no remorse, and he will be subjected to an easy reckoning.  When he passes across the Bridge of Hell, the Fire will say to him:  Make a quick escape, O emancipated slave of Allah!  I am forbidden to touch you.

He will enter the Garden of Paradise in the company of the righteous forebears, and in the Garden he will be given forty domes of white silver.  Each dome will contain a palace of gold, and in each palace there will be one hundred pavilions made of light.  In each pavilion there will be a raised couch made of silk brocade, and upon each raised couch there will be a maiden, one of the houries with those lovely eyes.  Her body will consist of the most fragrant perfume, as if it were the full moon of the night of his consummation.  Then he will be given that which no eye has ever seen, of which no ear has ever heard, and which has never occurred to the heart of a human being.

According the traditional report [khabar], on the night when the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was transported to his Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He), the Almighty One (Glorious and Exalted is He) said: 

To whom does the earth belong, O Muhammad?  He replied:  To You, O my Lord, so He said to him:  To whom do the heavens belong, O Muhammad?  Again he replied:  To You, O my Lord, so He said to him:  To whom do the veils belong?  Again he replied:  To You, O my Lord, so He said to him:  To whom does the Pedestal [Kursi] belong, O Muhammad?  Again he replied:  To You, O my Lord, so He said to him:  To whom do you belong,  O Muhammad?  At this point, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) bowed down in prostration, and the sense of shame prevented him from saying anything.  The Almighty One (Glorious and Exalted is He) then said:  You belong to him who invokes blessing upon you, and who does so with profound respect and reverence. 

My master, Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, then went on to say: This invocation of blessing is the one that befits this Prophetic tradition [hadith].  It is the opening of seventy doors of mercy, and it manifests marvels from the path of the Garden of Paradise. It is better than someone who emancipates a thousand souls, and immolates a thousand sacrificial beasts, and donates a
thousand dinars [gold coins] to charitable causes, and fasts for a thousand months.  It contains a hidden secret, and it is the means by which provisions are easy to btain, characters are refined, needs are satisfied, degrees are exalted, sins are erased, faults are pardoned, and the lowly are dignified.

My master, the firm support of the religion, also said: This invocation of blessing is given to no one but the perfect righteous man, for it is perfect in its qualities, endowed with gracious favor.  If some problem troubles its owner, every invocation of it will be a means of access for him in the
presence of the noble Prophet, and every Quranic verse in it will be an intercession in the presence of the Almighty Patron. 

It is the invocation of blessing of those who perform the ritual prayer, the Quranic recitation of those who practice remembrance, the admonition of those who heed advice, and the means of access of those who seek access.  It is the invocation of blessing of the glorious Quran, and I have called it:

Bashair al Khairat

  Transliteration:  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. Allhamuduliaalah hee rabbil alameena  ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lilmumeeneena bemaa qalal ALLAH hool azeemu (wabasiril maumineena) (wa un ALLAH haa la yuzi ou ajral momineena) ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lizzaki reena bima qal ALLAH hul azeemu( fazu kurooni aazukur kum)  ( uzkuru ALLAH haa zikurra  kaseeran wasabbi hoo hu bukratan wa'aseela hoo wallazi yusalli alikum wamalaikatu hoo  li yukri  jaa kum minaz zulumaati ilan noor wakana bil maumi neena rahima  tuhiyya tu hoom yuma yalqoona hoo salamun wa'addala hom ajra kareema)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil alameena bimaa qalal ALLAH hul azeemu ( anni la'aa ouzi'oo  amala amili min kum min zakari ao unsa)( wa man amilaa salihan min zakari ou unsa wahoowa momee nun faa'oulaika yad khuloonal jannata yurza qoona  feeha begairi hisaabin)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil awwa beena  bemaa kalal ALLAH hool azeemu ( fa'inna hoo kana  lil awwabeena  gafooran)  ( laa hum ma yushaa ouna  inda rabbi him zalika jazaa'ooul muhseneena)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  litawabeena bema qal ALLAH hool azeemu ( faman kana yur ju liqaa'aa rabbi hii falyamal amalan salihaa wala yushrik be'ibaadati  rabbi hee ahadan) (mukhliseena lahud deena )  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil musleena bemaa qalal ALLAH hul azeemu ( wa'aqimis salawt  inna salawta  tanhaa aanil fahshaa'aae wal'munkari) ( aqimi salawta wa'mur bilmaroofi wa'anha anil munkari was bir alaa ma'aa asaabak inna zalika min azmil amoori)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil khasi'eena bima qal'ALLAH hul azeemu( was'taaenubis'sabri wasalawt wa inna haa lakabeeratun illa alaal khasi'eenal lazeena yazunoona anna hum malakoo rabbi him wa'anna hum ilaihee rajioona) llazeena yazkuroona ALLAH haa qiyaman wa quooda wa'alaa  janoobi him yatafakka roona fee khalqis samawaatiwal ardi rabba na makhalaqta haaza batilan subhanaka fiqna azaaban naari)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil sabireena bema qal ALLAH houl azeemu (innama yuwaffis sabiroona ajrahum be gairi hisaabin) oulaai kallazina hud hu mu ALLAh hoo wa oulaikaa hum oulul baabi  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil mukhaae'feena bema qalal ALLAH hool azeemu (wali man khafa maqaama rabbi hee wanaha nafsa anil hawa fa innal jannata hiyal mawa)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil mutta qeena bima qalal ALLAh hul azeem  ( warahmati wasi'at kulla sha'e fasaktu buhaa lila zeena yutta qoona wayu toonaz zakatlla zeena hum bi ayateena yumi noonal lazeena yuttabioona Rasoolan Nabbi yil ummi'yi) ( la'hum jazaa'oud defi bima amiloonwa hum fil gurfaati aminoona)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil mukhti jeena bima qalal ALLAH hul azeemu( wabashiril mukbiteenal lazeena iza zukira ALLAH hoo wajilat qulubo hom)( wallazeena yutoona  ma'aatu wa qulobo hum wa jilatun anna hum ilaa rabbi him rajioona)  ALLAH humma Salli wsallim alla sayyidena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lis'sabireena bima qal ALLAh hul azeemu ( wabishir'ris sabireenal lazeena iza'aa asabtu hom musibaatun qalu aa inna li ALLAh hi wa'inna'aa ilaihee rajoona oulaika laihim salawtun min rabbi him wa rahmatun wa'oulaikaa hum'mul muhtadoona) ( inni jazai tu humul yuma bima sabaroo anna hum humul faizoona)
Transliteration: Rabbil alameena  ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil kazimeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( wal kazimeenal gaiza wal'afeena uninaas wa ALLAH hoo yuhibbul muhsineena ) ( faman afa'wa asla haa fa'ajru hoo alal ALLAh inna hoo la yuhibbuz zalimeena) rabbil alameena  ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri ( man ja'aa  bil hasanaati fala hoo ashroo amsaliha waman' jaa  bisyyi'aati fala yujza illa misla haa wa hum la yuzlamoo ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil musaddiqeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( wa'un tasaddaqo khairun la kum in kuntum talamoona)( innal ALLAH ha yujzil mutasaddiqeena) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil muttaqeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( wa'mima razaqna hum yunfiqoona)( wama'aa unfaqtum min shai'e fahoowa yukhli fu hoo ) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lish shakireena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( wash'kuru nimata ALLAH he in kuntum iyya hoo tabu doona )( la'in shakar  tum la'azi danna kum wala'inn kafar tum inna azaabi lashadeedun) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lis'saileena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( fainni yi qareeb ujeebu dawatad da'e iza da'aani) (ud'ooni astajiblakum) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lis'saliheena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu( annal arda yarisuha ibaadiyas salihoona) (olaaika humul warisoonal lazeena yarsoonal fardoos hum fehaa khalidoona) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil muhsineena bima qalal ALLAH hul azeemu ( wa'innal ALLAH ha wa'malaikata hoo yusallona alan nabi ya ayyu hallazeena amanoo sallu alaihee wasalli mu tasleeman) ( yutikumun kifaleeni min rahmati hee wa yuj'al la kum nooran tamshoona bihee wa yugfir la kum  wa ALLAH hu gafoorun raheemun ) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil musbasha rena  bima qalal ALLAh hul azeemu(la humul bushra fil hayaatid dunniya wa fil akhirat la tabdeela li kalimaati ALLAH zalika hu wal fauz ul azeemu ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lilfaizeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu( waman ya ti'ee ALLAh ha wa rasoola hoo fa qad faza fauza azeema) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  liz zahiredeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( almaalu wal banoona zeenatu hayatid duniya wal'baqiyaatus salihaatu khairun inda rabbi ka sawaban wa khairun amala) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil ummiye na bima qalal  ALLAH hul azeemu (untum khaira ummatin ukri jat linna si tamuroona bil mauroofi wa tan hoona anil mukari) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil mustafeena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( summa aurasnal kitaballa zinas tafaina min ibaadina fa min humzalimun li nafsi hee wa min hum'muqtasi dun wa min hum sabqoon bil khairaati bi izni ALLAH zalika hu wal fazlul qabeeru) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri lil muzanieena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( qul ya ibaadi yaallzena asrafoo alaa un fosihim la taq'na tu min rahmati ALLAH inn ALLAH haa yugfi ruz zanooba jami'aa inna hu wal gafooru raheemu) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil mustagfe reena bima qala ALLAH hul azeemu ( waman yamalu soo'aa au yazlimu nafsa hoo summayastag firi ALLAH haa ya jidi ALLAH haa gafooran raheeman ) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil muqarri beena  bima qal ALLAH hul azeemu ( innalla zeena sabaqat la hum minnal husna oulaika unhaa mub aadoona la yusma'oona haseesa haawa hum fe maash tahat un fusuhum khalidoona la yah zunu huml faza'oul akbaru wa'tatalaq qahumul malaekaat haza yumukum ullazikuntum tua'doona) ALLAH humma salli wasallimu alaa Sayyedena Muhammadinl basheeril mubashiri  lil momi neena bima qala ALLAh hul azeemu ( innal muslimeena wal muslimaati wal momineena wal mominaati wal qani teena wal qanitaati was'sadiqeena was'sabireena was'sabiraati wal'khashi eena wal'khashi aati wal mutasaddi qeena wal mutasaddi qaati was'saae meena was'saemaati wal'hafizeena furooja hum wal hafi zaati waz zakireena ALLAh ha kaseeran wa zaki raati aa'adda ALLAH hu la hum mugfiratan wa ajran azeema) ( wa'an laisa lil insaani illa masa'aa wa anna sa'ya hoo saufa yura summa yujza hool jaza'aal aufa) ALLAH humma salli alaihee salaw tan tush ra hu behaa saduru wa tahoonu behal amooru wa tan kashifoo behas satooru wasallim tasliman kaseeran da'ema ila yumid deeni ( dawa hum fe haa subhanaka ALLAH humma wa ta hayyatu hum feeha salaamun wa akhiru dawa hum anil hamduli ALLAh he rabbil alameen)

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